I've taken another little break from posting I was busy setting up a new computer. I think the last post was an overreaction attempting to make her look more feminine. I look at it now and it just seems silly that her armor is so skin tight. The plating on her torso actually conforms to the shape of her breasts. That's a little too close to Batman nipples for my comfort. I mean seriously who would greenlight these? The jewels were an attempt to make a connection between her and the sword. Now as I look at it they seem superfluous. The conclusion I came to is that in both posts the "armor" fits so close to the skin that it doesn't feel like it provides protection. My solution is...............layers! So even though I went with less metal armor she still feels more protected to me. I think it's because the materials appear to be thicker and there's so much more layering. I'm sure she's wearing a bunch of chain mail under there too so she'll be fine. I like it.